oregon property owners association

As Oregon’s largest property owners association, our mission is to protect the right of private property owners to make use of their property. At the legislature and ballot box, in the courts, working with the media, and through our many educational efforts, OPOA works to reduce the regulatory barriers that hamper Oregon’s private property owners, and to change Oregon’s broken land-use system, a system unlike any other in the United States.

Private Property Owners
We believe over-regulating private property violates one of our most basic civil rights – the right to own and use property without undue influence from government. From rural landowners to suburban homeowners to large-scale developers, we help all property owners realize their dream and investments in their land.

Rural Communities
From the ranching towns of Eastern Oregon to our coastal communities, we believe that rural Oregon deserves to thrive. We fight for the rights of rural cities and towns to control how they plan and expand their communities.

Farmers & Ranchers
We believe that options mean opportunity and opportunity means prosperity. We fight for the ability of farm and ranch families to use their land how they see fit and grow their operations on their terms.

Home Builders & Buyers
Oregon continues to be one of the most challenging states to provide needed housing. We work to alleviate barriers in our planning system to increase our housing supply and create more opportunities for affordable home ownership.
Oregon's Trusted Private Property Advocates
DEFENDING YOUR Rights for over 35 years
The right to own, enjoy, sell and use property without undue influence from government is a foundational element of our country. While some regulation is needed, too much regulation is bad for the property owner, the economy, and society as a whole, no matter how well-intentioned.
Many times a property owner has a question that we can answer over the phone or email. Our laws are complex and not easily understood, even by experienced professionals, but often the key to answering the question is knowing where to look, and we know where to look. Most importantly, we offer this service without charge.
In some cases, the issue is so important and affects so many Oregon property owners that we choose to represent the property owner ourselves. That may mean we’re representing you in a local land use application, or it may be that we’re arguing on your behalf in the Oregon Supreme Court. We’ve done both (many times). We’ve represented hundreds of Oregon property owners over the years, from large corporations to little old widows (and everyone in between), and we continue to do so, free of charge.
Sometimes our laws and regulations just don’t work very well, and the only solution is to change them. When that happens, OPOA works with state agencies and the Oregon legislature to change the law. Our list of successful legislation is long and significant, and we’ve worked closely with the legislature to make dozens of meaningful improvements to Oregon law.

It’s Happening – Oregon Legislature Begins Work on Repealing the State Wildfire Maps
After weeks of work, the Oregon House and Senate Republicans filed House Bill 3944 earlier this week to repeal the Oregon wildfire hazard maps, the first step in what is likely to be a bipartisan effort to repeal the map and improve Oregon’s wildfire program. Additionally, Senator David Brock Smith,

By The Numbers: Property Owners File Thousands of Wildfire Map Appeals
The March 10 deadline for property owners to appeal their wildfire risk map designations has passed. As expected, the Oregon Department of Forestry received thousands of appeals from Oregon property owners of the hazard classification and WUI designation resulting from the maps. Here are the preliminary appeal numbers from ODF

Do You Run a Home Business? Not For Long If SB 77 Passes.
Last week, we raised the alarm about Senate Bill 77, urging property owners to take a stand against the bill and its counterpart, SB 78. After a shocking public hearing, where proponents went so far as to publicly name and shame two Oregon businesses without prior warning, the true danger

Dave Hunnicutt
For over 27 years, Dave has represented Oregon property owners in the Capitol and in courts throughout Oregon. As a registered Oregon lobbyist, Dave has successfully advocated for the passage of legislation to protect Oregon property owners in all areas of real property law. As an active member of the Oregon State Bar, Dave represents Oregon property owners in litigation in courts and agencies throughout Oregon.

Samantha Bayer
General Counsel
Sam is General Counsel of Oregon Property Owners Association. Prior to joining OPOA, Sam lobbied in Salem for both the Oregon Home Builders Association and the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, gaining valuable insight on the issues impacting both rural and urban property owners. As an active member of the Oregon State Bar, Sam also represents Oregon property in litigation in courts and agencies throughout the state of Oregon.
YouTube Channel
- Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to learn more about Oregon's land use system and private property rights.
Killing the American Dream – Oregon (NIMBY) Style
Rep. David Brock Smith - How Oregon's Land Use Laws Prevent Needed Housing
Why can’t I afford a house in Oregon?
Rebuilding Your Home After the Wildfires
Oregon Wetlands Overview
Oregon Land Use 101 - How Oregon's Land Use Laws Work
Rep. Mike McLane - How Oregon's Land Use Laws Hurt Rural Oregonians
Barriers to Housing - Dave Hunnicutt
2018 Land Use Forum - Shaun Jillions - The Dangers of Rent Control
Rep. McLane - Oregon Land Use

2 weeks ago
Do You Run a Home Business? Not For Long If SB 77 Passes. - Oregon Property Owners Association
Last week, we raised the alarm about Senate Bill 77, urging property owners to take a stand against the bill and its counterpart, SB 78. After a shocking public hearing, where proponents went so far a...3 weeks ago
Today, the OPOA Legal Center, alongside Harney County, Grant County, and a coalition of concerned property owners, filed a lawsuit against the Oregon Department of Forestry and the State Forester. You...